Over the years, JunZeJun has accumulated a wealth of experience in representing Chinese companies, industries and government in responding to antidumping, countervailing and safeguard investigations by foreign governments, and has established close cooperation with many foreign law firms. The investigations handled by JunZeJun involve jurisdictions of United States, European Union, Canada, Australia, Asian and Latin American countries. They cover chemical, steel, electronics and machinery, textiles and foodstuff industries. JunZeJun has made great contributions in maintaining the level playground in international trade for Chinese companies and industries. JunZeJun is also one of the major firms representing the Chinese government in foreign countervailing investigations. In particular, JunZeJun is one of the few Chinese law firms that represent the Chinese government in the WTO dispute settlement, which is the main venue for the resolution of trade dispute among WTO Members. JunZeJun has also made remarkable achievements in both the legal research/analysis and specific dispute settlement cases in WTO law.
Antidumping investigation | Countervailing investigation |
Safeguard investigation | Trade barrier investigation |
WTO dispute settlement and legal research | Antitrust |
JunZeJun has rich experience on the offshore investment area who is committed to providing customers with a full range of legal services. These teams led by experienced senior partners have extensive practice experience in different areas and provided legal support for many companies in offshore investment projects. It covers different types of projects such as equity asset M&A, project financing and joint venture. These teams can accurately grasp the investment purpose of customers and the demand of their legal services. On the strength of the reputation of professional ability, JunZeJun is deeply trusted by clients. The main services of the offshore investment teams include the following:
- Legal Due Deligence
- Transaction Structure Design
- Trade Document Drafting
- Deal Content Negotiation
- Financing Arrangement
WTO dispute settlement is a major venue and mechanism for settlement of disputes between WTO Members concerning issues including international trade. JunZeJun is one of the leading legal teams in China that provide professional services on WTO dispute settlement. JunZeJun has represented the Chinese government in multiple WTO dispute settlement cases, drafted legal submissions and conducted oral arguments before the WTO panels. JunZeJun also takes advantage of its rich experience in this legal area to assist its clients in analyzing the WTO consistency of foreign laws and trade practices and provide action proposals. JunZeJun has been selected by the PRC Ministry of Commerce in its Candidate Law Firm Database for WTO and Regional Trade Agreements Dispute Settlement.
JunZeJun provides comprehensive legal services for the Chinese government, industries and companies in countervailing investigations. As their legal representative, JunZeJun assists the clients in analyzing the subsidy programs, preparing questionnaire responses, submitting legal arguments and cooperating in on-site verifications in the countervailing investigations and reviews. Based on the specific facts of the clients and the investigations, JunZeJun develops client-specific strategies and optimal action plans and provides targeted legal arguments to assist the clients to get ideal investigation results so that the clients can maintain and expand its exports. JunZeJun has rich experience and good results in countervailing investigations initiated by the United States, EU, Canada and Australia etc. JunZeJun has been selected by the PRC Ministry of Commerce in its Candidate Law Firm Database for Trade Remedy Investigations.
JunZeJun provides comprehensive legal services for the Chinese government, industries and companies in antidumping investigations. As legal representative, JunZeJun assists the clients in preparing questionnaire responses, submitting legal arguments, cooperating in on-site verifications and appealing to the judicial review systems in the antidumping investigations and reviews. Based on the specific facts of the clients and the investigations, JunZeJun develops client-specific strategies and optimal action plans and provides targeted legal arguments to assist the clients to get ideal investigation results so that the clients can maintain and expand its exports. JunZeJun has rich experience and good results in antidumping investigations initiated by the United States, EU, Canada, Australia, India, ASEAN countries and Latin American countries etc. JunZeJun has been selected by the PRC Ministry of Commerce in its Candidate Law Firm Database for Trade Remedy Investigations.
JunZeJun provides comprehensive anti-monopoly legal services for enterprises. As an attorney, it provides advice on concentrations of operations for onshore and off-shore M&A transactions, and acts as an agent for submissions of Concentrations of Undertakings to the antitrust authorities.
JunZeJun assists enterprises to review corporate commercial bribery, horizontal monopoly agreements, vertical monopoly agreements, abuse of internal competition policy rules relating to market dominance, and provides professional legal services on corporate business plans and business models. In addition, it assists enterprises to conduct internal investigations in violation of competition law, provide and update anti-monopoly compliance manuals, and provides internal training on anti-monopoly issues.
JunZeJun's lawyers are familiar with anti-monopoly laws and regulations at home and abroad, and have long been concerned on the trend and development of anti-monopoly. They have rich practical experience in dealing with anti-monopoly issues and have handled a large number of anti-monopoly cases at home and abroad.